Friday, August 22, 2003

If it tastes like butter, but it's's Chiffon!

What a crazy couple of HOT days. Bring em on though, in about a month we'll all be cool in our heels and wishing for 96 degree weather with 68% humidity.

So yesterday, Natale, Lizzy, Sammo, and myself all congregated with two purposes for the day: To get some sun and swim, and to find and purchase 90's memorabilia, the top of this list being REEBOK PUMP UP SHOES, you all know what I mean, the sneakers with the little button on the tongue that you press, which obviously causes the wearer to run faster, and jump higher, all due to compressed air being filtered into the sneaker. You might say that finding something like this is impossible. How naive you are.

Of course we found exactly what we were looking for at the Salvation Army, complete with a neon yellow and blue color scheme. We were lucky we got there when we did, seeing as it was welfare check and foodstamp Thursday. If we had arrived minutes after we did, those sneakers would never have graced us with their existance.

We also found something free lying on the side of the road, begging to be hauled into Natale's Dodge Neon and taken to some deserving recipient. Who knew the distinct scent of garbage could linger in hard plastic? Bwahaa.

School's in a couple doesn't seem real to me, it feels like we've got four weeks left to kill. But we don't. I'm just sad to see summer end, I think, because being a senior is going to kick some serious booty. Yee haw.

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