Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Every Dawson has a Joey.

I'm just going to lay it out there. Dawson's Creek was and will always be a wonderful, wonderful show. It really makes me look at my life and think...where did I go wrong? Aren't I supposed to be sailing off into oblivion with my adorable boyfriend right about now? Because that's what Joey and Pacey did the summer before THEIR senior year. Oh well. I'm clausterphobic anyway.

So last night it was decided that Kristin, Tito, Natty, and Samm would congregate chez moi tres early so that they could complet their AP French Assignment, which would in turn motivate me to work on reading for APs Psych and Lit. 

Samm slept over last night, and of course we set the alarm for exactly 7:00 AM, the time everyone was expected (when I say early, I mean EARLY. See what I'm saying about the longest day of the summer?). So we wake up to the blasting overture of Brigadoon at this wee hour, and really, after starting the day with extremely loud, honking bagpipes, there is nowhere to go but up. And up we went. Ten hours later, all was completed and Natty, Samm and I ended the day with a few rounds of Call the Consumer Hotlines, which is always a treat.

Speaking of treats, do you know how wonderful it is to fluff out a feather bed before you sleep on it? It takes a lot of effort to do this, because obviously the term "light as a feather" does not apply to down mattress covers, but the results are phenomonal.

Last night we also watched Miss Teen USA, just to keep up with the insults. Quick verbal retalliation takes practice, and God knows if you need people to make fun of, Miss Teen USA is the thing to watch. My brother brought up an excellent point. When AC Slater stated that the contestants were not judged on their evening gown, but on their presentation, Ian determined that if this is the case, then any one of them could have worn a lobster costume and it wouldn't have made a difference. And it wouldn't have. The audience would have been too distracted by Miss Michigan's HUGE nostril (yes, only one, as they appeared to be fused together) to even notice a giant crustacean scampering about.

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