Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"When you stare at something for a long time, it just looks so...right."

Happy Holocaust Remembrance Day!

Last night being Holocaust Remembrance Day Eve, I decided to sit my roommates down and force them to watch Schindler's List, so we could, you know, remember the Holocaust. After five minutes they opted to switch to The Sweetest Thing, starring Cameron Diaz. 

In other news, the man who lives downstairs from me is a genuine creep who molests his cat, his legitimate pet feline animal. In the hallway. It's a huge cat and he's foreign. 

I'm getting closer and closer and closer to The End of School. Which is kind of sad, because I'll miss it, but also okay because summer's fun, and next year will be pretty bitchin', and Cherry Hill is more delicious than ever, no lie, ten cents MORE delicious, but what can you do.

I really hope that I have a job this summer, because not only does Jill from Linens N Things NOT call people back, she also likes to leave them on HOLD for twenty minutes. I hung up. I feel like holding on a cell phone for that long could definitely give you a brain tumor or something.

Last night I had a really sweet dream that I was in school learning how to morph into an animal, like Hogwarts, but just all about morphing into animals. I wish I remembered more of it. Pratically the only time of day I'm NOT staring at some kind of screen is when I'm sleeping, but even then, I dream in the third person. I should probably read more.

Monday, April 10, 2006

"I indulged in a little weughm this morning." Natalie "Eahly Bihd" Zekos on being the first to wake up today.

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

As satisfying as it is to cross off the little demands on my To Do list, I can't seem to help wasting time finding out about myself via PERSONALITY TESTS.

I always seem to do the easy tasks first. Makes sense.

If wasting time were a sport...I'd be on Varsity fer sher.

Yesterday with Kristina and Anna I ate so much McDonald's that I can pretty much still taste it and feel it festering in my stomach, 24 hours later. Love it though.

Liz thinks people can eat opium. This isn't right, is it? All my opium expert friends...

Natalie has decided to "soften her touch" and become creepy beyond all reason. This means instead of punching you, she strokes you. 

Eleanor doesn't talk anymore and just sleeps for years.

There's your update on the occupants of 100 Riverway.

I'm up to my earlobes in significant work and Grey's Anatomy makes me think I wish I were a surgeon, because everyone on that show is awesome and seems like they would be good friends for me, so then I have to watch the behind the scenes special feature on my season one DVD to remind myself that I hate blood and love television.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Nobody knows where they might end up.

It's interesting what a too close for comfort freak accident will make you think about. It makes you think about how miniscule you are, and how your life could literally just end at any moment without any warning and without any regard for what you want or what you need to say or what you have to do. It makes you think about the people around you, and just people in general. It makes you think about how much people care about you, and how much you care about them. It makes you not want to leave anything unsaid or undone and it makes you realize that grudges are stupid. It makes you grateful for every moment and for the little miracle that is making it through the day. It could make you think of morbid and depressing things.

What I've learned from a too close for comfort freak accident is that thinking about morbid and depressing things is pointless. What's meant to happen is going to happen, and it'll happen for a reason. Things will happen that I can't even begin to worry or think about, and there's nothing I can do. If this is fate, than I believe in it. Scary and sad as it may be, in a way I'm really comforted by it, because it makes me believe in good luck too, and when all you want to do is head for Hollywood like everyone else, you need to believe in good luck. 

Sometimes what happens randomly in real life is so perfectly scripted that I have to remind myself, once again, that I'm not living in a movie.
