Wednesday, October 29, 2003


This has been such a light week...for some reason there is really no necessary homework to be done.

And I just jixed myself.

Not having rehearsals this week has been bonkers. I'm actually looking foward to a speedlinethru tomorrow, and especially to performances Friday and Saturday...but by no means do I want this to be over. Before I get feh-clempt, let me just tell you to come see Ten Little Indians on Friday and or Saturday night at 8:00. I don't care if you've seen it already.

After school today Hatale and I kidnapped Jess Levasseur again and wrapped 2 directers gifts we bought yesterday when we kidnapped her the first time. Then we went to Panera and the movies. Scary Movie 3= Somewhat Dumb, but funny nonetheless.

Fahts. I have a dilemma, and let me tell you I hate dilemmas, especially these types of dilemmas. Let me just say dilemma one more time, because it's starting to look really weird. Dilemma. Dilema. Crap. Now I don't know if it's 1 "m" or 2. Whatever.

I need a Plan. A muahaha evil laugh devious lets-sit-back-and-watch-it-work type of Plan.

Why is it that all good things have to come to an end so soon?

Why is it that other kinds of good things take so long to work out?

Talk amongst yourselves.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Come pick my roses.

Here's what I love:

Samm for her sign and cupcakes
Lizzy and Pooky for being wonderful
Megan for not laughing and being OLD
Levasseur for coming to us and basically being mini-me
Eating Great
Every SINGLE former LHS student sitting in the front row and being themselves. You all know who you are.
Kenny for just being himself
Theate traditions
Low Ponies
Cermaic Indians
And last but definately not least, Natale, for keeping me almost "sane in the accepted sense of the word."

I'm far too overwhelmed even now to write complete sentences about last night.

Bring on round two.

Sunday, October 19, 2003


Samm and I had an absolute ball at the UMass information session today. Despite the fact that we completely missed the Autumn Event, which began at 9:30 this morning, and since I realized this at 1:30 this morning, it was just too late to change any plans. 

So Samm came over at 11, and we made banana-chocolate-pancake tacos with whipped cream. Sound good?

You have no idea.

So we chased the pancakes with some Tostitos and salsa and headed out for Amherst, Celine Dion-ing it the entire way. As we were singing "It's All Coming Back" and the like over and over, in a Canadian accent of course, we finally reached our destination, and what a destination it was.

We took the campus tour and made our very first friends, Mr. and Miss PDA 2003. Totally Feely McTouchy and Holdy McHoldhands. It was cold, so the Mr. offered his sweatshirt to the Miss, leaving him in an undershirt like article of clothing against the bitter cold winds. First of all, this really bothered me, as the girl's mom was with her, in her 5,000 layers of winterwear, watching her daughter's poor homely boyfriend shelter her shoulders with his only means of warmpth. Whatever. Let me just say that this girl had THE nicest set of gums I have ever seen. Samm and I got a sweet side view of this protrusion, and it was literally GUMS and oh yeah, I think I saw some teeth. Awesome.

Then we got home, and the fun didn't end there. Natale, Katie, Samm, and I all decided to head to Barnes and Noble for a solid hour or so, and then eat great even late at Taco Bell, laughing our a's off at bean coud and lifts and just having a grand grand time. We also went to AJ Wright, and found some supremely large glittery underwear that were on sale for a low, low price of .99 because they were deemed "slightly imperfect". I don't know about you, but that just makes me want to slap on a pair.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Sox appeal.

"The Red Sox are a way of life, the lifestyle of an entire region. There isn't another place where baseball matters the way it does in Boston and throughout New England. The Red Sox are a major part of peoples' daily existence. I want to play my entire career in Boston. I want to win for these fans, because the fans there deserve a championship because they invest so much of their lives in the Red Sox. I want to win a World Series obviously, but I want it to be in Boston, because when that time comes and the Red Sox fans are running out in the middle of the field, it may be one of the greatest experiences ever in sports. " -Nomar Garciaparra

For some reason, this quote basically sums up living in Massachusetts for me. Now, I'm no die-hard baseball fan, but I do enjoy heading out to Fenway in the summer, and this whole World Series looming over the heads of a team that deserves a chance is really exciting. So GO SOX.

I love where I live. People always talk about how much they want to get away, but I genuinely love New England. Especially at this time of year

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

An idiot savant.

NoahB4Me826 [8:45 PM]: "What's your roomate like?"

"Oh she's great.. she plays the piano and only eats ketchup packets and kool-aid, but the other kids said she was the special one" 

-Samm on random college roommate assignment and what it would be like to be assigned an idiot savant as a roommate.

Random roommate assignment is a tricky little business. You can either end up with your future best friend/ siamese twin...or you can get your polar opposite, or even a ketchup drinking, powdered kool-aid munching idiot savant.

I am incredibly politically incorrect.

While I'm at it, let me just lay this out there:

Affirmative Action: Possibly THE worst idea ever. Come on now. Were you a slave? Were your grandparents slaves? No. No compensation is needed, so let's just all follow the whole "All men created equal" bit where everyone has a fair chance. It will only help you in the long run.

Anyone got any controversial subjects they want to argue with Conservative Randy? Bring em on, I'm all fired up.

Is it Burger King who's slogan is "The fire's waiting?"

I love how, with Samm, when I type "LOL" I actually am cracking up. Out loud. Cackling, really.

I just got in the best mood.

Fondant frosting is my new favorite thing. 

Go Red Sox, whoo!

Friday, October 3, 2003

Turn around.

I think Total Eclipse of the Heart wins the award for EASIEST SONG TO ATTATCH ITSELF TO YOUR BRAIN. Nicole commented earlier that every time she forgets it, some random person starts singing it again...and that is the absolute truth. It's everywhere. You may think that because of this, I'd know the whole song.

I don't.

And yes, it's Friday night, and yes it's approximately 8:00, and I am offically a grade A stay at home nerd. How nerdy you ask?

I just baked bread. Or rather, I'm in the process of baking bread. I'm a regular pioneer.

Except pioneers didn't have bread making machines. Or computers, for that matter. They lived in Oregon. And Minnesota. Come to think about it, those states may not have computers or bread makers even to this day. Unless they sell them at Independence...

I dropped a glass jar of Polander's Spreadable Fruit (NOT jelly, mind you, SPREADABLE FRUIT) on my toe. Not fun. At all.

One thing that is annoying beyond all reason is whenever I get angry and speak in a tone of voice that is a notch or two higher than my normal slightly louder than average volume, my parents blame it on drama and tell me to "save it for the stage". Not only does this make no sense, it is, as I said, annoying beyond all reason. First of all, the fact remains that if I'm irritated, my voice level rises, and I can't help it. It's not forced by any means. The actual act comes into play when I pretend that this sentiment does not bother me.

I can't wait until the day when my brother starts randomly kicking stuff and bouncing objects off of his head in frustration so I can blame it on soccer and tell him to "save it for the field". That'll be fun. Not to mention hilarious, because I don't know what would prompt him to do this.

The 2nd epiosde of Out of the Blue came on tonight. Watch it. The pieces are really good. Much better than last week, now that rap and the kid who kneels on his sneakers have been banned from LEACTV9 forever. 

Right. Time to wrap up this time-killing entry, be thankful that you didn't have the time to write it, because I'm sure all of you were busy busy busy! Bah.

Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Jiffy Lube.

Service auction tomorrow, come bid on members of the drama club to do various tasks and chores for you. Proceeds will directly benefit the drama club to help it continue is excellence in theatre.

It will be a grand time. There will be donuts. Lots and lots of Dunkin Donuts donuts. Mbah.

Today Natale and I left rehersal with big plans to buy more plastic tablecloths to use trimming for the runway, and also to purchase beat fish to put in lovely little glass vases and use as centerpieces that will obviously be for sale, because we are the drama club, unsupported by society, and desparate for every last cent.

So we get into his car and the left blinker is tweaking out, so automatically the mechanic in me says "It means your turn singal light is out." So I got to watch Natale use his left hand signal across town. Yay for me. I couldn't believe my luck.

It only got better when Natale suggested to his dad that we take the car to JIFFY LUBE to fix the turn signal and break light, which was out also. I love his ignorance when it comes to cars. 

Since the light was deemed unfixable, turn signals remained our only option. So he sucked it up, I laughed very hard, and we set off to kidnap Samm to assist in the purchasing of beta fish. This was an adventure in itself, as the Fish Master at Petco was about 3,000 years old with about 5 teeth and, when asked "How much are the beta fish" he simply responded "Males." Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing to do with any kind of price check. Just "Males".

There are now six lovely beta fish and six lovely jars of neutralized water (adjusting itself to room temprature as we speak) in my drama locker. It looks like a fish farm. Of course, beta fish get very defensive when they see another beta fish, or even their own reflection. So each plastic cup containing a poisson is separated with a bit of paper towel.

If I open that locker tomorrow to find six lovely belly up beta fish, I will be entirely disappointed. I'll get over it though, because the money will not have gone to waste. If they for some reason all croak, or as Meghann diagnosed "get Ick" (Ick is apparantly a fatal beta fish disease) we will simply bread them, bake them, and serve em up as hors d'eurves.


Your Neighborhood Jiffy Lube

Service auction tomorrow, come bid on members of the drama club to do various tasks and chores for you. Proceeds will directly benefit the drama club to help it continue is excellence in theatre.

It will be a grand time. There will be donuts. Lots and lots of Dunkin Donuts donuts. Mbah.

Today Natale and I left rehersal with big plans to buy more plastic tablecloths to use trimming for the runway, and also to purchase beat fish to put in lovely little glass vases and use as centerpieces that will obviously be for sale, because we are the drama club, unsupported by society, and desparate for every last cent.

So we get into his car and the left blinker is tweaking out, so automatically the mechanic in me says "It means your turn singal light is out." So I got to watch Natale use his left hand signal across town. Yay for me. I couldn't believe my luck.

It only got better when Natale suggested to his dad that we take the car to JIFFY LUBE to fix the turn signal and break light, which was out also. I love his ignorance when it comes to cars.

Since the light was deemed unfixable, turn signals remained our only option. So he sucked it up, I laughed very hard, and we set off to kidnap Samm to assist in the purchasing of beta fish. This was an adventure in itself, as the Fish Master at Petco was about 3,000 years old with about 5 teeth and, when asked "How much are the beta fish" he simply responded "Males." Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing to do with any kind of price check. Just "Males".

There are now six lovely beta fish and six lovely jars of neutralized water (adjusting itself to room temprature as we speak) in my drama locker. It looks like a fish farm. Of course, beta fish get very defensive when they see another beta fish, or even their own reflection. So each plastic cup containing a poisson is separated with a bit of paper towel.

If I open that locker tomorrow to find six lovely belly up beta fish, I will be entirely disappointed. I'll get over it though, because the money will not have gone to waste. If they for some reason all croak, or as Meghann diagnosed "get Ick" (Ick is apparantly a fatal beta fish disease) we will simply bread them, bake them, and serve em up as hors d'eurves.
