Friday, October 3, 2003

Turn around.

I think Total Eclipse of the Heart wins the award for EASIEST SONG TO ATTATCH ITSELF TO YOUR BRAIN. Nicole commented earlier that every time she forgets it, some random person starts singing it again...and that is the absolute truth. It's everywhere. You may think that because of this, I'd know the whole song.

I don't.

And yes, it's Friday night, and yes it's approximately 8:00, and I am offically a grade A stay at home nerd. How nerdy you ask?

I just baked bread. Or rather, I'm in the process of baking bread. I'm a regular pioneer.

Except pioneers didn't have bread making machines. Or computers, for that matter. They lived in Oregon. And Minnesota. Come to think about it, those states may not have computers or bread makers even to this day. Unless they sell them at Independence...

I dropped a glass jar of Polander's Spreadable Fruit (NOT jelly, mind you, SPREADABLE FRUIT) on my toe. Not fun. At all.

One thing that is annoying beyond all reason is whenever I get angry and speak in a tone of voice that is a notch or two higher than my normal slightly louder than average volume, my parents blame it on drama and tell me to "save it for the stage". Not only does this make no sense, it is, as I said, annoying beyond all reason. First of all, the fact remains that if I'm irritated, my voice level rises, and I can't help it. It's not forced by any means. The actual act comes into play when I pretend that this sentiment does not bother me.

I can't wait until the day when my brother starts randomly kicking stuff and bouncing objects off of his head in frustration so I can blame it on soccer and tell him to "save it for the field". That'll be fun. Not to mention hilarious, because I don't know what would prompt him to do this.

The 2nd epiosde of Out of the Blue came on tonight. Watch it. The pieces are really good. Much better than last week, now that rap and the kid who kneels on his sneakers have been banned from LEACTV9 forever. 

Right. Time to wrap up this time-killing entry, be thankful that you didn't have the time to write it, because I'm sure all of you were busy busy busy! Bah.

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