Tuesday, October 7, 2003

An idiot savant.

NoahB4Me826 [8:45 PM]: "What's your roomate like?"

"Oh she's great.. she plays the piano and only eats ketchup packets and kool-aid, but the other kids said she was the special one" 

-Samm on random college roommate assignment and what it would be like to be assigned an idiot savant as a roommate.

Random roommate assignment is a tricky little business. You can either end up with your future best friend/ siamese twin...or you can get your polar opposite, or even a ketchup drinking, powdered kool-aid munching idiot savant.

I am incredibly politically incorrect.

While I'm at it, let me just lay this out there:

Affirmative Action: Possibly THE worst idea ever. Come on now. Were you a slave? Were your grandparents slaves? No. No compensation is needed, so let's just all follow the whole "All men created equal" bit where everyone has a fair chance. It will only help you in the long run.

Anyone got any controversial subjects they want to argue with Conservative Randy? Bring em on, I'm all fired up.

Is it Burger King who's slogan is "The fire's waiting?"

I love how, with Samm, when I type "LOL" I actually am cracking up. Out loud. Cackling, really.

I just got in the best mood.

Fondant frosting is my new favorite thing. 

Go Red Sox, whoo!

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