Saturday, April 12, 2008


When I was in sixth grade (I think I was probably at my most bizarre when I was 11-12 years old) I had this idea of life chapters and how they played out. It was heavily influenced by my parents' relationship timeline (now officially a defunct reference, considering that lightning like that cannot possibly strike twice within the same family) and Dawson's Creek (I can't believe I was that young and watching Dawson's Creek, but anyway) and went something like this:

1. Graduate Elementary School.
2. Go to High School.
3. Fall in love with High School Soulmate, tear things up, etc.
4. Graduate high school.
5. Go to college.
6. Whoop it up, meet and love Real Life Soulmate.
7. Graduate college.
8. Get married to the afore mentioned Real Life Soulmate.
9. Have ourselves a baby.
10. Exist.

I just realized that I'm currently wearing the same pair of Nutcracker boxers that I got in 1997, the year in question. Well, while I may be wearing the same pajama bottoms that I wore eleven years ago, I'm slightly more in touch with reality now than I was then. As such, I have tweaked my Life Expectations a bit to save myself the agony of finding a husband in the next two weeks.

At least I will have successfully completed steps 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 on time. But when you think about it, those academic accomplishments do not mean nearly as much, as Dawson, Pacey and Joey managed to achieve them in addition to steps 3,6,8,9,and 10. 

They're just remarkable human beings, je suppose.

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