Monday, April 28, 2008


The fact that I am now a real person seems to have sparked some sort of regression in me. For example:

Since becoming a grown up, I have eaten and enjoyed more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches than I ever ate or enjoyed as a kid. Seriously, I was totally uninterested in peanut butter and jelly until maybe two years ago. I have also played more Mario Kart in the past two days than I've played in the last year. I also bought Lucky Charms for the first time in a really long time and irresponsibly got a parking ticket. If I had a dollar for every parking ticket that I've gotten since being here, I would have earned $2.00 back from the total $90.00 I have donated to the cities of Los Angeles and Santa Monica. I also need to confess that I do in fact love that damn Miley Cyrus song. I do. I do love it. I'm 22 and as formally educated as I'm ever going to be and I Can't Wait To See You Again.

I was much more mature when I was in college...ah, yes. I remember those days. 

1 comment:

michelle r said...

I love that song too! We like to blast it on the radio while carpooling.