Monday, November 28, 2005

Silly girl child.

Once upon a time there was a sketchy girl who was very foolish and could barely speak, never mind actually make conversation, despite the fact that in general, she was known to have and be lots of fun, if not completely retarded. She also liked to procrastinate a whole lot, and did things like write words that don't matter. Sometimes she wondered if real life would ever be as fantastic or as horrifying as the life that played out in her head, somewhere behind her eyes, and if so, when that business would start. She wondered if maybe she was the last person her age to not know how to speak, even though she had been telling stories to anyone who would listen since before she could walk. She figured it was okay though, because for a girl with no social skills, she had some pretty fun friends and liked movies a lot and enjoyed cities and wanted to be famous and sometimes pretended her life wasn't really hers, but just some movie that didn't necessarily progress the way she wanted it to, no matter how many times she wrote the script, and what the heck more could she possibly do without speaking about this girl who knew a lot about what she wanted but you would never know unless you understood what a ridiculous smile means or if you could maybe read minds or be a really really good guesser. 

Eight pages. There is never a need for research papers in the real world/Hollywood.

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