Friday, November 11, 2005

"I challenge you to find something more appetizing than beef and potato casserole." - Natalie

Here's a little equation for you all.

Shep's Pie - Corn = Beef and Potato Casserole. Best served with the pre-ketchup juice.

So delicious. 

We're also in the process of thawing out the young turkey that Eleanor's had for a year. It was hauled out of the freezer this afternoon, and before resting it in the refridgerator to thaw, we put it in Natalie's bed, nestled up next to her, while she napped. 

So cute.

Anyway. Let's just hope all this de-frosting doesn't result in horrific salmonella poisoning. That would ruin Saturday's pre-Thanksgiving dinner for sure.

Ian McKellen is on SNL on E!. What a classy, classy man.

One could assosciate him with a wizard.

One could assosciate wizards with Harry Potter.

One could assosciate Harry Potter with awesome.

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