Sunday, March 28, 2004


So finals in Boston were incredible. Reminiscent of Mr. Fredd, I will outline the days by means of bullets.

-Saw the President of the United States' vehicle. No lie. He was there.
-Took pictures of secret service men and any odd pedestrian who may have been a "plain clothes" secret service man from the window of room 527.
-Found Lifesavers Pastel jellybeans in a 2 story CVS.
-Purchased said jellybeans.
-Embraced the fact that the window in our room opened wider than ANYONE else's window, and slept with it open, daring any pigeon to roost in our room whilst we were sleeping.
-Meandered around Boston in the morning, a truly magical city time. New York may be the city that never sleeps, but Boston is the city that sleeps late and goes to bed early. Still, magical beyond all reason.
-Decided to challenge the law by disposing of the revolting green versions of the afore mentioned pastel jellybeans by tossing them out the window.
-Realized the window in room 527 overlooks the valet parking area.
-Hatian valet man comes up to Floor 5 of the Park Plaza and inquires as to who would possibly commit the crime of throwing UFOs out a window. We smile innocently and inquire as to what those out of control rascals were throwing. Hatian man produces a cracked, weathered, disgusting green pastel jellybean.
-Room 527 disposes of all evidence, and escapes any sort of criminal repremanding.
-We go and watch 4 billion plays. All of them well done. Many of them incomprehensable.
-Begin to stalk a very attractive boy named Luke Taylor. And I mean stalk in the most extreme sense of the word. We later come to the conclusion, after evesdropping and observing, that Luke Taylor is a constipated, theatre snob/stoner with a broken arm. Yet still very attractive. If you're interested in the footage, let me know.
-We wake up for tech rehersal at 6:30 AM. The first uttarance of noise aside from the evil that was the hotel alarm clock:
"WHERE is the SHEET?!"-Alison Rose Tully (BILL).
-I realize that the hand that is under my butt is not my hand, but the hand of Liz Itkowsky. Somehow we always manage contact even though we were sleeping on completely opposite sides of the bed.
-Entire group, including chaperones, gets admonished by a hung over, saggy eyed wench for speaking in the hallway while she was trying to sleep. At 12:30 PM. It's time to wake up, lady.
-We perform at 2:00 in front of an audience filled with the high school theatre elite. Many of them did not understand basic, in your face humor.
-Fortunately, wonderful people that I love who DO appreciate such humor came to see The Princess and The Princess enjoy it's last happily ever after. This made me very happy. And excited. Happy and excited.
-And finally, we end our magical run with Leeann and Natale recieving acting awards, and Katie getting recognized for the costumes, as well she should.

...And they all lived happily ever after.

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