Monday, March 15, 2004

Once upon a time...

...There was a Princess play that kicked so much butt that it actually, despite popular belief, managed to work its way into the final round of the Boston Globe Drama Festival. Yes this really happened, no I still cannot believe it.

But oh man is it a THRILL.

Today was a rather pointless day to spend in school. I must say, aside from drawing my own headshot in Theatre Arts and discovering that Uncle Ronnie's slushies are now a permenant fixture in the cafeteria, there wasn't a whole lot to attend for. Apparantly Ms. Bolarinho's breaking up of the all out brawl that happened last week has resulted in what I imagine to be a blatant plaster body cast that prevents her from coming into school. I hope she realizes that in order for every bone in her body to heal properly, it is imperative that she remain at home for as long as possible.

Today we deposited $11.65 worth of cans to use towards funding our hotel rooms in Boston. I'd say we're well on our way.

And now I have to continue not reading The Lion King/I Dreamed of Africa/The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe or Henderson the Rain King, whatever you prefer. Haven't read this far, why start now?

The End.

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