Tuesday, March 2, 2004

You have a gift, Jack. You do. You see people.

So today may just have been one of the most enjoyable school days of the year. Cast list for Peter Pan went up, and I am so excited to be Tiger Lily, and sad at the same time, as the rest of the year will offically FLY by from here, but it's best to focus on the good in situations like these.

In addition to this, English proved to be truly magical in that it was a blatant confirmation of my section's complete disregard for the class. After Samm informed him that his enormous vocabulary was merely a desparate attempt at compensation for the smaller things in his life and Lizzy convinced him that "wiggity whack" was indeed an appropriate term to use when describing Lily in Saul Bellow's classic novel, The Lion King, we all just sort of realized that his time as a respected human was officially up. It's fine though, because it just is.

THEN, as we haven't been to the Blue Heron T-Shirt makers in over 5 days, Natale, Kristina, Megan, Ian, and myself went on in there to pay a visit to Cello Cello Cello, Jerri, and The Magnified-Eyed Old Lady, and ask them to make us some kickass Princess t-shirts. After 45 minutes, 4 utterances of the name "Cello", 6 minutes of staring at Jerri the T-Shirt expert's massive cameltoe, and a rat bastard, we left satisfied.

I got 2 notes from Bill today, thus adding to the day's majesty. 

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