Sunday, March 7, 2004

I saw that in a Nickelodeon once and I always wanted to do it.

And so ends one very eventful, very enjoyable, very unshowered weekend. 

I blame the way that this year has whizzed by on the massive amounts of fun I have with all of these people that I adore. Sad as it is that time flies when you're having fun, I much prefer this to the alternative, which I would be living had I continued my pathetic existance as a silent, friendless Bernie.

I have eaten massive amounts of all things delicious this weekend, and that to me equals success. Samm gave me a smashing Parisan cookbook for two, and we wasted no time in blowing off homework in favor of making a molten chocolate cake, which was eaten with ice cream, along with the remains of the Slumber Party ice cream cake, tomato soup, and Premiums.

I also got to go to ThaiChaDa with Kristina, Bill, and Natale, where Natale conquered his shrimp fear, Kristina inhaled a duck, we had a waify waitress, and Bill learned how to talk Thai, or at least sat ThaiChaDa quickly and impressively. 

Friday was the Slumber Party. Awesome was really the only way to describe it, really. 

Read through today was fine. Indians do not use nouns or verbs when they speak. How's that for stereotypical Mr. Smith? Ugh a wug.

I don't know why, but when I'm just sitting around quietly by myself, I tend to think of sad things that make me pathetically emotional. Listening to the little boy I babysit for read Go Dog, Go almost made me cry. I don't know why this is.

I guess it's impossible to be happy all of the time, but the sweet is never as sweet without the sour.

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