Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Au revoir.

January has NEVER flown by so quickly.

Though I never really paid much attention to it in the past, I'm pretty sure the span of time between December 17 and January 17 has never passed so quickly, either. There has never been a better beginning or a better send off to any other month, ever. And I can't wait until next time. Because I can't help but hold on to the notion that every time will be like this time, and no matter how many months have gone by, we'll always just pick right back up where we left off. Because that is beautiful.

Yesterday Page, Kristina, Alison and I rented Sex and the City, season 5, and spent lots of time in Shaw's with the freezer open, deliberating Ben and Jerry's. Eventually the frozen pizza stocker decided our fate, and we spent a lovely afternoon huddled against the cold while eating ice cream. 

There really aren't too many things that are better than that.

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