Sunday, November 2, 2003

All good things.

I hate the day after the last show. You don't know withdrawal until you spend a good quarter of your year working on something to have it be over in a matter of 4 nights.

But now I can give away the ending. Natale was the killer. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Seriously though, last night was without a doubt a great way to end it. The first night was spectacular, and so was the last. We have the audiences to thank for that, you guys made all the difference in the world. I've said it once and I'll say it a million billion more times: I am so So SO grateful to have had the chance to be Vera. Truly, it was one of the best experiences of my life!

And now it's over, and I would like to say that my little ceramic indian has officially survived her 1/3 chance of being smashed into smithereens. She's on a survivor.

But hey, we have a field trip on Friday...and Boston Globe auditions in a week. Here we go again, the beginning is a very good place to start.

How perfectly lovely.

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