Thursday, November 13, 2003


Boston Globe auditions today...did a lot of screeching, which was fun. I love to screech.

One can only hope for the best and trust that what's meant to be will be.

I get to be an answering machine message in Mr. Lew's QED show. How cool is that? I was excited, my "character"'s name is Nora Bell, and she's smart. I recorded it today, and that will be the LAST time I ever say "I'm in your Intro to Physics class". Because I despise Physics.

Just disregard this journal entry. I'm one of those odd people who get butterflies AFTER the audition's already OVER. So I'm now channeling my energy into typing. Not college essays, mind you, but a Livejournal. Ah, go figure.

Guess what I'M doing tomorrow afternoon. I get to go to the movies before the price gets jacked up to 7.50 at 6:00 to watch the PREMIERE of the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban trailer when it's shown on the Looney Tunes Movie. Completely worth my $4.75. The Looney Tunes Movie, however is not. I think the producers KNEW that their movie would fail the INSTANT that they cast Dharma in it, so they figured they'd ask to be the first to show the 'Arry Po'er trailer JUST to drag obsessed schlups like myself, Samm, and Anna in, so that their film wouldn't be a complete failure. Maybe it'll be number one for the weekend...that'd be funny.

Okay waayyy too much on the Looney Tunes/ Harry Potter plan...

I need to go, before I start rambling some more.

Eat the ice cream.

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