Saturday, November 8, 2003

C'est la vie.

I have such a B*Witching title...I don't know where it came from, because I haven't heard that song in about 30 years. From what I remember though, it'll probably be one of those compulsively annoying songs that we in Drama find wonderful.

Field trip yesterday, buckets of fun. We went to the New England Theatre Conference in Rhode Island and got to compete in various contests. I participated in the Dance Decathalon with Megan and Levasseur, and the Five Minute Play Dash with the previously mentioned, Kenny, David Prescott, Scott, and Leeann. For this event, our group was the ONLY group to have brought the 10 allotted props from school. And were they ever colorful. We had:
-A portrait of the Last Supper which was found in some dust-forsaken cabinet in E-Wing and has been hanging in the Dressing Room.
-The noose from Ten Little Indians.
-The roses from Anything Goes.
-A random plastic feathered owl with a baby moniter in idea what that was, or how it found us.
-The bear rug from Ten Little Indians

Among other, less impressing props that we just used because they fit our story, such as Kenny's lunch.

Our play didn't win, but it was great. Maybe I'll tell you about it, if you ask, it's just one of those things you need to hear and see in person.

Natale won, of course, a Bronze plaque in singing. So wonderful. Words cannot describe. And Ricky "The Light Guy" Combs represented big time and took home the Gold for the Speed Lighting competition. That was awesome.

And then we went to Wendy's and Galactic Bowling, which was a new experience that I can't wait to do again, because there's something about glow-in-the-dark bowling balls AND shoes paired with lasers ans strobe lights and 80's music that makes a place super special. Even though I stink royally at bowling.

I wish I weren't babysitting today, because my mom and sister are going into Boston with my aunt and uncle and cousin. It's a perfect city day, too bad I'll be wasting it watching movies and coloring and playing stupid dek hockey. Oh well.

Samm's Musical Out of the Blue Extravaganza is coming out famously. I have one question though, to ask the general public:

To have people talking in it...or NOT to have people talking in it?

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