Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I didn't know!

So apparently Linens N Things is like riding a really hellish, exhausting bike. I did about three katrillion returns, met a man named Cletus, and sold forty spatulas to a woman who WAS Madame Medusa from The Rescuers, complete with malfunctioning false eyelashes. It's fine though because LNT did not schedule me for New Year's eve, bless them.

The Family Stone is not as good the second time around. King Kong is, though. I probably should have paced myself better with these December movies, that way I wouldn't be so compelled to see them multiple times.

To quote Billy Mac, Christmas is all around me. Or at least it was. I love it love it love it. Every second of it. I was very very lucky and came into posession of Final Cut Pro, which happens to weigh about fifty pounds, go figure. I haven't actually opened it yet, but I'm guessing the weight comes from the instruction manual. Lordy. One day soon I will become pro.

I need to start applying for sick internships so that I can go to Los Angeles and begin my new chosen career, which is a creative director/writer/producer/editor/ continuity director/coffee maker for a televison show as bitchin as LOST.

Could happen.

Tomorrow I must watch Daisy Do America and play in Boston.

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