Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Christmas Break is weird because everyone reconvenes and for three weeks or so, it's like none of us ever left. The only difference is that barely anyone can drive anywhere anymore, due to removal of insurance or brothers who hog the car to go to high school. So we're all home, just sometimes stranded, which makes us resourceful. Like pioneers in covered wagons.

One thing we have that pioneers did not is Mari and her fat burning regime, Windsor Pilates. Or Roll on America (.99 Wednesdays, ya heard?). Or ghastly season finales of Nip/Tuck.

Oh yeah, just as a little heads up...New Years/Yankee Swap '05 shall be mint, fresh, boss AND bitchin'. What's that sound? Oh, I do believe it's Celine Dion's mystical voice beckoning, even begging to play a role in Swap again. Okay, Celine. Okay.

Perhaps I shouldn't get ahead of myself. 

Christmas is magnifique.

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