Friday, December 5, 2003

"Milo, come. Don't bark at people. It's Christmas!" - Mom

Here's what I hate. Being ignored. Just laying it out there.

Anyway, I don't think this week could've been any longer. I'm so glad it's finally the godforsaken weekend, and to make things even BETTER:


There is nothing I love more than a good blizzard. Especially when I have nowhere to go and nothing to do except hole myself away and eat marshmallows. I'm looking foward to it. Anyone up for extreme sledding down my street? Last time I did that, Meggies, Cole, Kerri and I dressed up in 80's snow-onsies and hiked up my street to sled down the other side. It was extreme. But not as extreme as Canadian sledding, which is a sport all its own. 

Yesterday was Les Mis, which was an absolute extravaganza. It was Drama club joy at it's best, and I don't think I've ever seen a better musical. I don't think our seats could have been better either, seeing as we could easily determine the color of each character's eyes. The experience was completed with Regina's tears over not just the play, but the moterized lighting fixtures as well. 

Lighting fixtures are breathtaking.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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