Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Tonight, while baby-sitting - if it can still be considered baby-sitting when the "baby" in question is actually a ten year old with a maturity level and vocabulary that surpasses a fair amount of my peers - we watched The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Home Improvement on Nick at Nite and Olivia was thoroughly impressed when I told her that I watched both of those shows when they were actually new episodes. It's weird that kids today are watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air like I used to watch The Cosby Show or Gilligan's Island. 

Since I'm still unemployed, I find myself spacing out the things that I need to get done so that every day I have something that needs to be done. Par example, today I accompanied Ray and Natale to the impound lot so that Ray could assess the damage of his car, which got totaled a week ago when an uninsured drunk man slammed into it while it was parked on the street. Yesterday Natale and I walked to the grocery store and made soup videos, and on Sunday I Drain-Oed my drains. Tomorrow I have big plans to deposit some checks and celebrate Day 8 of the Seven Day Soup Regimen (aka, eat brownies and cereal) and at some point, I really need to speak to someone about the fact that my toilet is running. Really. All pranks aside, it's running. Not over, it just sounds like someone with the world's largest, fullest bladder is constantly peeing, which cannot be good for the water situation in these parts.

I. Need. A. Career. Immediately.

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