Thursday, May 26, 2005

Welcome to Neverland, Children! Ahaha.

At the risk of speaking too soon, I think it is safe to say that things have been falling into place rather nicely, and as regular as I could expect them too. Which is restoring, and reassuring, for now at least.

Today was lazy, and, shock of shocks, RAINY, but I made the most of it by assisting some shower installers, evesdropping on said shower installers, learning where the water shutoff in my house is, vacuuming, catching up on 
some vintage Dawson's Creek, and slowly working my way through the array of baked goods that have accumulated in my house. I fit in a brief nap, before the chillin came over for a celebration.

Later on, we had a very elegant Family Dinner followed by two fierce, hour long games of Egyptain Ratscrew with Kristina, Page, Maya, Dan, and Ian that for me, resulted in 0 wins but a few damaged nerves in my right palm.

Boston with Lizzy in the morning, followed by a Saturday full of work and festivities to fill the void that my family will leave as they cart off to Falmouth for the weekend. Hopefully the weather will be less The Day After Tomorrow and more May.

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