Sunday, May 1, 2005

A poster girl with no poster.

Your Birthdate: January 29

Your birthday on the 29th adds a tone of idealism to your nature. 

You are imaginative and creative, but rather uncomfortable in the business world. 

You are very aware and sensitive, with outstanding intuitive skills and analytical abilities. 

The 29 reduces to 11, one of the master numbers which often produces much nervous tension. 

This is the birthday of the dreamer rather than the doer. 

You do, however, work very well with people.

Okay so after I did mine, I put in some of my friends' birthdays to see if they ALL sucked a little, but alas they do not. January 29th, way to be.

I am unbelievably ready for summer and even more unbelievably ready for fall. I'm getting the impression that both are going to be considerably different from last summer and last fall, which is kind of unfortunate and really wonderful, consecutively. I hear The Riverway is breathtaking in September..

Dreamer rather than a Doer? Yeah, we'll see. I don't think doer is even a real word.

It is May 1st. Shouldn't we all be dancing around a pole with ribbons? Was May Day the origin of exotic dancing?

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