Friday, February 13, 2004

You're shooting with Althea?

Today I did not go to school. Why, you ask?

Oh, because it was FRIENDSBOWL. FRIENDSBOWL is, in case you were wondering, a newfangled holiday where people such as myself, Alison, Kristina, Natale, Maya, Regina, and oddly enough, Ian, gather and watch Select Episodes of Friends from Seasons 1-6. It was completely awesome. There was not much moving involved at ALL, we literally remaind stationary for a solid 3 hours and only moved to order food and eat it before resuming our positions on the couch. Awesome. 

After FRIENDSBOWL, I came home and eventually called Samm, and then we headed to The Mall to soak up some disease ridden air and purchase necessary necesseties such as Titanic on DVD, a bag, a belt, 2 lemonades and a pretzel (to split). After being APPALLED by a couple of youngin's procreating in front of our eyes as we ate our pretzel (to split) on the benches in Derby Square, we headed to the only place that bitties our age head to: Market Basket.

On the way into Market Basket we passed an obviously Jamacian fellow. How did we KNOW he was Jamacian you ask? Well, how do you pick out a Frenchman, Brit, Scot, or Mexican? By what they wear of course. Frenchmen ALWAYS have striped shirts, neckerchiefs and berets, Brits ALWAYS are smoking pipes, Scots ALWAYS wear kilts and say "huch-hi", and a Mexican is never without his sombrero. In the case of a Jamacian, well, this man was shielding his dreds from the harsh weather with a black, red, and yellow knit hat that resembled the the black, red and yellow hats that you can buy with the dredlocks ATTATCHED. His were real. Yeah, Mon.

Once IN Market Basket of course we encountered Kristina, Bill, Maya, and Regina, buying cereal and gum. It was very special. Samm and I then purchased our Jell-O to make Valentine's Day jigglers with and were disappointed in the fact that Market Basket failed to recognize the TRUE spirit of Valentine's Day by not stocking sweet-taht-hahts, so we had to go to CVS. On our way to CVS we had a good chuckle at the mechanical horse parked outside of Market Basket, and bought the sweet taht hahts. On our way out, we were JUST IN TIME to witness two portly children gripping on to the now bucking mechanical horse. Good things just happen sometimes.

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