Saturday, January 5, 2008

Road Trip to L.A.: Day One

Leominster, MA to Washington DC

It's really poetic to set out on a cross country drive to Los Angeles with nothing but the clothes on your back and a dream in your heart. It's less poetic when you do it with a duffel bag full of everything you need to survive, a credit card, a GPS, AAA TripTiks, predetermined routes with hotel destinations and three tres fabu travel buddies but it's much more fun this way. It's also kind of impressive to see how much stuff can be squeezed into a Honda Civic. 

Liz, being the champ that she is, drove like a powerhouse straight through to Washington, DC. As the driver and navigator, respectively, she and I had to get back to basics and Lewis and Clarke it using only maps and our innate senses of direction until after the Tappan Zee bridge since the "Widget" (GPS) was hell bent on sending us through the Bronx, AKA Certain Death. New Jersey was hateful and filled with people on a determined mission to cause multi car pile ups, but we were able to take the edge off with a light lunch of fried things and Cinnabons before re-hitting the road with a vengeance. The total number of hours driven added up to about seven, which is probably an average of half the time we'll be driving from here on out, so that'll get interesting. Luckily Eleanor is keeping things fun by introducing new treats and activities that the rest of us have never seen before every so often, just like the checklist that Natalie printed out from some parenting website suggested she do when traveling with children. Par example, today we all got lovely Disney Princess driving crowns. Luckiest.

We arrived in DC and I promptly dropped my beloved retainer, in its case, on the sidewalk where it proceeded to burst open and scatter my retainers all over the filthy pavement. I'm now facing the dilemma as to whether I should retire them once and for all or continue use and risk getting tuberculosis. It might be nice to start fresh and not dependent on my comfort orthodontia. Anyway. Now we're just lying comatose in a hotel room in DC, taking full advantage of our rights to personal space, watching an MSNBC documentary about an impotent serial killing "monster" in Florence, which is only serving to fuel the growing prejudice towards Italians. 

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