Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Maybe I'll get back into this.

Facing unafraid the plans that you've made is an interesting little notion, especially if those plans happen to be slightly terrifying. Like mine are. But really, the only thing that scares me more than consciously moving myself away from everything and everyone I know is thinking about what would happen if I were to stay.

2007 will always be a favorite, too much good happened for it not to be, but 2008 is going to be my year for risky business. 2008 is for putting everything that I learned in 2007 about myself, about others, about owning it into practice so that I can start learning how to be a Grown Up. 

Grown ups do not chew their thumb skin, so I'll start there. 

On a separate note, I'm trying to decide whether I should start a brand new google blog to document my illustrious Road Trip or just resuscitate this little guy and do it from here. Either way, I'm 98% sure it will be brilliant, the 2% of doubt is based solely on whether or not we'll make it out of New Jersey alive.

It's been a satisfying first 24 hours. I've got a good feeling about this.

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