Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Set the fuse to go.

It's days like today that really make me grateful to just be alive. (I actually mean this in a very literal sense, as a few minutes ago I was nearly taken out in the crosswalk in front of the statehouse by some mongrel running a red light in a pimped out Dodge Neon.)

Classes started yesterday, and while I may have originally misread Media and the Holocaust as my required Interdisciplinary course (we don't get to watch Schindler's List and we're required to read Maus I and II, which are little "comic" books about Nazi mice that I'm going to have to carry around and find a way to read in public without looking like a terrible human), I think it will end up being very interesting; more so than Media Criticism and Theory, which I still don't know a thing about. I'm in love with Writing the Feature Film, mainly because the "STAFF" that was teaching it at the time I signed up for the class turned out to be a woman named Diane Lake, who literally wrote the screenplay for Frida and who's jetsetting back and forth from LA to Boston to teach this class at Emerson. Thursday I have Studio Television Production, which I'm sure will not suck at all. 

Time goes by, but dates stick out in my mind, and even after three years, it's so easy to go right back in time and remember how it went, where I was, exact lines of dialogue and what I could have done if I'd known what I know now. But I like to think I've learned how to deal with the past a little better than I could before, and that being done, all I can think to say is thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes and making me aware of how important it is to appreciate every moment. I just wish we might have learned together.

So I'm glad I survived the walk across the street, I'm glad it's fall, I'm glad I belong here, and at the moment I'm glad I have no problem with the prospect of selling my soul in the name of Hollywood, but check back with me in five years or so.

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