Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Promiscuous Girl!

I can't believe how tired I am. I blame the Hill.

I also can't believe that I've worn the same black STAFF shirt for the past three days in a row. I think I'm allowed to switch over to the green t-shirt for tomorrow. Ahhhhhhh, fresh, clean green. I guess I COULD do laundry. Regardless, I've met Kristina's roommates twice now, and both times I was wearing the exact same outfit. They probably think I'm the Rain Man or something, and that I have some bizarre attatchment to the black T-shirt. I don't.

The Facebook has crossed a definite line. Between knowing exactly who's writing on who's wall and who's gone from "Single" to "It's Complicated", there's very little left to do in the way of good, old fashioned, discreet Facebook stalking.

I really don't think I'll ever get enough of Dawson's Creek. Tonight I'm capping off my night with the episode where Pacey invites the hotel critic to the Potter B&B and we see how much Pacey loves Joey because he's able to watch her sleep, which, according to Grams, is a telltale sign of love. If that's not poetry, I don't know what is. I wonder if I'll achieve the level of coolness and maturity in my whole life that those Creek kids managed to accomplish by the time they were sixteen.

Jaws was on earlier, and I absolutely love stumbling upon Jaws on television. Lizzy was impartial to the fact that Steven used a midget in place of Richard Dreyfuss when he filmed the scene in the shark cage to make the LIVE SHARKS in the shot seem bigger. If I were a midget, I would sprint to Hollywood as fast as my teeny legs would take me so that I could take advantage of the high demand that Steven has for midgets/shark bait in his films.

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