Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Life goes easy on me, most of the time.

If Valentine's Day were more like Thanksgiving, it would be more appropriate for me to say that I am [still] thankful for Coldstone being so close by. Berry Berry Berry Good in a waffle cone truly hits the spot. I'm preparing for my glorious after-college future (which will hopefully have something to do with me living in a closet somewhere in LA and subsiding on Tostitos) by building up some solid fat stores. 

I'm also thankful for those who need me as much as I need them. God, okay bipolarity is the theme I guess, so here we go.

I'll never understand the bullshit character change that causes people to completely and utterly blow off people that love them, ignore attempts at communication and otherwise forget about everything, because why remember when you can replace? If there's one thing I have always despised, it's being ignored and it takes a lot for me to give up on people, but running into this brick wall gets less and less appealing every time.

This is a brand new kind of disappointment that really just puts everything else into perspective but still breaks my heart. 

Um, so happy Valentine's Day.

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