Tuesday, May 25, 2004

What we have here is a majestic river otter.

Okay so, all of a sudden, it hurts to speak and I'm overcome with the need to go to bed, and it's only 5:00.

Who gets sick in May? Who? Who?


Awesome. I think I'll celebrate with some ice cream.

Finals are a joke.

Ms. Bolarinho's back. For now.

Hard to believe that this week's the end.

No more delicious $1.50 pasta days, fat American burger/fries/cookie days, or better yet, shepard's pie days.

I wish Mr. Lew and Ms. Mastroianni would pull a Mr. Feeny and come teach me in college. That would be great.

I think I'll go see about that ice cream and watch me some Ten Little Indians. Just because.

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