Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Let's get things straight.

So on the school lunch calender, the meal planned for today, May 4th, 2004, was Roast Turkey with Gravy, which just doesn't appeal to me. So imagine my surprise when I sit down to eat my brought-from-home lunch and see some scantily clad PRs walk by with steaming styrofoam trays of SHEPARD'S PIE. Now, the thing is, that Sheps Pie is something I relish and look foward to. To serve it unannounced when those who are turned off by turkey cubes in gravy and bring their own tuna sandwich is not only cruel, but downright deceiving. Shepard's pie day was SUPPOSED to be the third Wednesday of the month, completing a consecutive week of Wonderful Wednesdays with Taco Day tomorrow, Popcorn Chicken the week after, and THEN Shepard's Pie. 

So having this slight disappointment ruin my day a little, imagine my glee when I come home to find that my mom has made...SHEPARD'S PIE.

I absolutely adore life's little victories.

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