Wednesday, July 23, 2003


Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely adore The Sound of Music? Well, I do. There is not one life lesson that cannot be learned by watching this movie. If anyone cares to challenge this, please, by all means comment and I will do my best to prove you wrong ; )

Today was a magical day, spent with magical people. Lizzy and Samm came over in the afternoon, where we of course, ate. For those of you who think that toaster pizzas can only be made using english muffins, think again. Bagels provide the consumer with a much more filling and delicious meal. We washed down the bagel pizzas with a few Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans (Harry Potter candy, in case you're wondering. Yes, we are wizards. It's impolite to stare). 

Before the good however came the bad. This morning I was awoken with the shrieks of my little sister, her cat was on the roof. Yes, the roof. Apparantly one of our upstairs windows was left open all night so that the raccoons, moths, squirrels, and burglars would have a warm place to sleep for the night. Anyhow, the cat used this exit and was prowling around on the roof. So, with the best interest of the roof and myself in mind, I suggested that she, being 10 years old and about as gangly as Bambi himself, climb out the window and fetch the cat. That was done. Then, as Samm was leaving this afternoon, the dog got outside in the front yard, which he is not allowed to do, as he will head for the hills at top speeds and most likely be run over by the train that runs not so far from my house. So, it took 4 individuals, a Farmer (Liz), a Petco Employee (Jasmine, Samm's sister), Samm, and myself to tackle the animal, who, by the way, is only 7 months old, and hook on a godforsaken leash, all while the dog is squirming, wriggling, growling, and practically foaming at the mouth. I swear, these beasts know I don't like them very much, so they wait until my mom's ONE workday of the week to insue chaos. How thoughtful.

I babysat my cousins tonight. I'm sitting the playroom, playing House, when I hear my six year old first grader of a cousin singing a familiar tune. I listen, and I hear:

"Don't step on the crack, or we'll send you to Iraq."

Not the whole breaking your mother's back bit of my childhood, mind you. I love politically aware children. I also love thoughtful children, as the two year old, when his dad came back, was quick to offer first a sip of orange juice, and then a beer. Well, we start 'em young in my family of French Canadian liquor consumers. I absolutely love it.

I also drove today, for the first time since like, April. I have to admit that possibly my worst fear in the world is car accidents, right along with snakes, swimming in the ocean, and being a failure at life. But I took a giant step today by driving to the end of my street, BY MYSELF, to pick up Kerri. Yes, I am putting my license and my ability to legally drive others to GOOD GOOD USE! 

That's all for tonight, hopefully tomorrow will present itself with an issue worth venting over, but you all get to take a break from my opinionated entries tonight and look foward to tomorrow! 

So Long, Farewell, Auf Weidersen, Good Bye.

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