These are my adorable grandparents. Their names are Grandpapa and Grandmaman. Grandpapa likes watching movies, Grandmaman does not, unless they are in French, somehow involve a French speaking country, feature someone she knows, or are written by a certain granddaughter's boss' fiance. Distance from the source does not matter, as long as there's no gratuitous, non French sex, action, or violence of any kind.
The following is a conversation between my mother and I, via IM, one fine Wednesday morning.
Mom: Is that bastard movie [read: Inglourious Basterds] ok for Grandmaman?
Me: Hell no. Are you kidding me?
Mom: Oh kay, we're off. Grandpapa is watching it, and I could tell things were going to get ugly.
Me: Yeah they scalp people in that movie.
It's about Nazis. But not ACTUAL Nazis, Quentin Tarantino Nazis
Mom: Oh gosh. Grandmaman says, "I hate dat, it's NOT-TING good about dat."
You grandparents are adorable!
So I was just clicking "next blog" and stumbled upon yours. I think your grandparents are too cute!
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