Sunday, March 26, 2006

Cover for me RIIIIICK.

Here's to procrastination and casually watching Schindler's List while I clean. Do I have a problem?

Today is Sunday, and I have every intention to rot in a sweatsuit and my glasses all day, because to be frank, today would be a total waste of eyeliner and contact lenses.

Last night 2/3 of the roomies an I went to Beacon Hill/Loews to see a movie and ultimately come as close as we've ever come to mace-ing a sexual predator. Good times.

Today I have to finally finish re-living Camping 2005 and get this script done, read a couple chapters, learn a monologue for this damn Theater Appreciation class that's turning out to be more trouble than it's worth, find time for the Season 10 Friends Marathon and sift through my movies to find MONTAGES. 

That last one will kill me, mainly because I love montages and have so far spent the better part of my day watching them, which is technically an assignment, but also technically the LEAST important of all my assignments. 

Tonight is Grey's and Pretend Like It's The Weekend Banana-Chocolate Chip Pancakes for Dinner Night.

Sad as it will be to have to work somewhere all the livelong summer, it will be nice to have the option of coming into the city with some of my bitches and PIZ-ARTY-ING.

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