Thursday, September 1, 2005

Hello, Powerbook.

I don't have the faintest idea as to what's going on with this computer of mine. All I know is that it's really good looking and the keys are tiny and finger mousepads take some getting used to. Also, I was so looking foward to doing the iMovie tutorial project, Maddie Gets A Bath, but apparantly that doesn't happen anymore.


Anyway. I'm not in Boston right now on account of bad timing and a dihty apahtment. But it's really fine because I received my Cobbletones CD in the mail. For those of you who do not know who the Cobbletones are, just ask me because I totally know them personally... a little... not at all, but I've made eye contact.

Mingled with Kristina this evening, did some errands, watched some Friends, ate some Chinese, and, you know, had a marvelous time. Summer is definitely over though, which is a bit sad, and also weird at the same time. Tsk. New seasons, new Dawson's Creek is that? Speaking of, Abby died this morning. That is my favorite episode.

I assmebled a really nice frame collage featuring camping pictures. I forgot how much fun that was. You know I used to not even like camping, but I went anyway, just to test it out for sure, and I'm glad that I did because I would have been hella pissed if I missed out on that memory. 

I can say hella now because I use a Mac. Far out.

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