Monday, July 19, 2004

"It was gortiful." - Alison Tully

I'm going to go ahead and venture to say that I think...I THINK that MAYBE the birds outside my window have either grown up or been silenced, as I was able to sleep an hour later today. I don't want to get ahead of myself in celebrating, but if this is the case, YAHOO.

Last night we gathered up the kids and had a wholesome family movie night. Feature Film: Monster. After this experience we had no choice but to watch Unwrapped on the Food Network to try and cleanse our minds. I don't know about you guys, but I just love going to sleep with visions of lollipops and candy apples AND vicious lesbian prostitue serial killers. Mmm MMM. We watched a 15 minute On Demand special on the making of Monster beforehand, and the director reminds me of Page. 

I fixed myself what would have been the most amazing bowl of Rice Krispies this morning, only to find out that we have no milk. Out of all of life's letdowns, having no milk when you really want cereal is definitely up there, right after Panera not serving baked potato soup on a regular basis.

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