Wednesday, April 14, 2004

It's been 92 years...

Dear Rose, Director of Membership at Orchard Hills Athletic Club:

Although my fitness experience with you has been nothing less than satisfactory, I have decided to withdraw my membership.

Ever since I experienced a physically damaging blow to my left hand in Feburary of 2004, I have had neither the stamina nor the ambition to exercise of any kind.

Thank you for providing me with many fantasic experiences in exercise.


Danielle Randall

Such went my letter of resignation, which was passed in today. I have offically thrown in the towel on my last attempt at physical fittness. 

For those of you who don't know Rose at Orchard Hills, she is the sweetest looking lady, and she knows it. Our conversation went something like this:

Rose: Are you positive about this, honey?
Me: Yes. Yes I am. I'm going away to school in the fall and am very busy at the moment, I just don't have time to come to your establishment.
Rose: But once you're in college you'll need to keep up the cardio...freshman 15 (insert laughs from Rose).
Me: Yes, well, if that happens, you'll be the first to know.

Confimation of enrollment to the University of Massachusetts, Amherst is in the mail. 

I'm thinking that this should feel like a weight being lifted off of my chest, but instead the thought forms a cannon ball in my small intestine.

In case you don't know, today marks the 92nd anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. If I could, I'd be watching Tape 1 right now.

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