Saturday, July 5, 2008


I wonder what came first. Alcoholism or unemployment. As far as I can tell, it's a tough call. Alcoholism could result in unemployment, sure, but I am also here to tell you all that unemployment can definitely lead to alcoholism.

I came to this realization during yesterday's LA Independence Day (not to be confused with East Coast Independence Day, which, though they technically share the same day and meaning, is a completely different experience) which basically involved everything that I do on a daily basis, except with more snacks and Sam Adams. It added a delightful new facet to my day to day life out here and for the life of me, I don't know why I'm not hammered at 1:00 PM every day. 

The fact that I love drinking in the daylight is nothing new. I am a morning person. I only love going to bed at a reasonable hour, but when I wake up, I go from unconscious to full throttle in maybe 2 seconds. Daytime is prime time, and  shortly following the Great 50 Garden St. Fire that resulted in a half decimated apartment and the loss of our ability to turn on the television due to an unfortunate series of events involving wall builders and warlocks, Liz and I discovered Happy Hour on Beacon Hill. Depending on your views of such things, it has been all uphill or downhill from there. 

I digress. I've been coming to a lot of fascinating conclusions as of late, and watching a lot of Heroes. In fact, I may or may not have come into a few superpowers. I don't want to jump the gun or anything, in case it's just a phase, but I have a couple ideas as to what my powers might be. I might write about them once I decide if they're permanent or not, or I'll just keep them to myself and continue to blow people's collective minds. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LA Independence Day = Marathon Monday?