Friday, June 17, 2005

Road Trip should have just been titled "I Called the Mailroom".


Everything is changing, changing, and by everything I mean that I, Danielle Lillian Randall, am going...


I seriously hope that I manage to pull through unscathed and emerge a new, generally stronger person. I'm talking an Outward Bound, military school type transformation. Either that or I'll just lose my mind and rock back and forth silently for a week or so. But what's important is the company, and I have complete faith in that at least.

Anyway. J'adore Emerson for many reasons, the most recent being that they have sent me a book, namely L'Etranger by Camus. I need to read more, especially since the library is now a mere 4 minutes away from my house. Any and all suggestions are welcome, at least over the next 28 days or so until HP and the HBP is released and I retreat into 24 hour literary hibernation.

Linens N' Things has custody of me this weekend, hence I must retire.

Katie and Tom, Godspeed. You lunatics.

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