Sunday, February 22, 2009
It's just.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Hollywood ASST from Back of the Class on Vimeo.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Roadtrip That I Am Not On IV
10:20 AM: "So we're entering the desert and since Natty spiked my Smartwater with Benefiber, we're hoping to make it through without any hold ups."
10:39 AM: "I just want to let you know that we are in the middle of a blizzard AND in the middle of a desert! Ahh thank God for this because it was the only weather condition we hadn't experienced yet and now we can check it off our list!"*

*I didn't know they were playing weather pattern bingo.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Roadtrip That I Am Not On III
5:56 AM: Liz: Maybe you're meant to wake up at 6 AM!
Natalie: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
8:51 AM: "Shit. We're in Texas."
9:18 AM: "There is so much roadkill here. It's like even the skunks know how bad it is to live here."
9:39 AM: "Don't worry. The largest cross in the western hemisphere is still here and has yet to be usurped by any other crosses. "
10:34 AM: "So I passed the cross. I don't think I need to see it twice. Natty slept through it and said 'I slept through it again? I guess I'm not meant to see it.' Then a couple minutes later she says 'I want to the into stealing.' "
11:06 AM: ""Are the Jonas brothers saving it for marriage?" "Yeah, I think so." "That makes me want to do them more."
11:14 AM: "Aaaaand we just got pulled over in Texas. And Natty is sitting in the cop car with the officer."
11:19 AM:

11:22 AM:
Cop: "Well our computers are down, so we can't run a search on you. Are you wanted anywhere?"
Nat: "Not that I know of."
Cop: "Not that you know of?"
Nat: "Well I think my friend that's in the car wants me right now."
12:54 PM: "WORST NEWS. I JUST LOST A CONTACT IN A NEW MEXICO BATHROOM. AND THE SUN IS ONLY IN MYEYES. Nat just says, 'Let's get on the news. I just took the biggest shit of my life and you lost a contact.' Obviously I don't have any other contacts. Because I live my life on the irresponsible side. You know how I feel about wearing my glasses. I have a whole new, long term Tyra Banks style expose. I am an offcial nerd."
4:28 PM: "We're just racing trains in New Mexico. "
4:36 PM: "Epic."*
5:57 PM: "It is 29 degrees and Natalie is peeing outside."
6:22 PM: "We're on the lookout for the nuclear meth lab we came across on the last trip. "
6:45 PM: "Spotted: Meth factory. We're waiting until we're right up in its bowels for a pic. Get ready."
6:53 PM:
"THERE IT IS. Shit's really hard to photograph. They probably did that on purpose.
Natty: 'I feel high right now.'"
7:45 PM: "Today has sucked significantly more than every other day. "* They could probably shoot a buffalo, carry no more than 200lbs back to their wagon, and trade the remains for beads and snake bite kits with the other settlers out there.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Roadtrip That I Am Not On II
6:25 AM: "My tits are at my ankles. I am officially the least attractive I can ever be."
6:39 AM: "After shampooing with hotel shampoo (with no conditioner): 'I think I'm going to have to shave my head...yeah there's no coming back from this.' "
8:32 AM: "I just saw a f&*king bald eagle! Why do you think all those cars are parked there*? I feel epic right now. I can die now." -NZ
11:42 AM: "Don't worry, Arkansas is still full of creepy religious billboards and funnel clouds."
1:43 PM: "I saw the best super church in Arkansas. It was like a cross between the Bellagio and Notre Dame. It was also roughly the size of the Bank North Garden. There are also tornado warnings and confirmed touchdowns for our exact location. But we're pretty sure its actually just sightings of our vehicle because they are reporting dry hair and lots of smoke in its wake."
1:46 PM:
"Yup, that's exactly what I want to do after sitting in a car for 3 days and eating as much Dunkin Donuts as possible."
2:07 PM: "Still questioning the eagle sighting. "Fine, we'll just watch the news tonight. You'll see."
2:08 PM: "Have I ever seen TWISTER? I was raised on TWISTER."
2:22 PM: "If you need any proof of my terrible luck just look at for Fort Smith Arkansas and Oklahoma City. I am Job."
2:30 PM: "ISO: Do tornados smell?"
3:06 PM: "Entering Cherokee territory, hold onto your scalps. Yeah, they can have mine. I think I'd be better off without it right now."
3:17 PM: (Natty giggling to herself) "What's so funny?" "I'm just trying to find a good spot to take this up to 100 mph." This of course is to prepare for the 100 mph winds that Oklahoma City has in store for us.
4:49 PM: Musings on the constant and terrifying lightning:
"It's like Kristallnacht."
"I just want it to touch down and set something on fire...that'd be AWESOME."
"It's like a Natchtmare"
"I want a cigarette so bad right now...I wish I had a fourth hand to put on the wheel."
All kidding aside though, this is some seriously messed up weather.
*Actually only one car.
Monday, February 9, 2009
A Roadtrip That I Am Not On
Since Liz is averse to blogging and a self proclaimed storyteller a la Homer, I have taken it upon myself to "live blog" Natalie's and her journey Westward, based on the periodic e-mails I recieve along the way.
Enjoy. Stay tuned for updates.
Altoona, PA to Nashville, TN
10:55 AM: "After 2 miles of "right lane closed ahead" signs, Natty freaks out when it finally happens, shouting, 'What the f&^k?! These people are crazy. They could have warned us*!' "
11:05 AM: "Well, just to let you know, Kentucky smells like flithy, rotten asshole. And West Virginia has a "POWER PARK" and a town called NITRO. So basically, its the set of American gladiators."
11:29 AM: "We have seen some seriously grisly road kill. Like, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN** gruesome."
12:15 PM: "Don't act like it wouldn't be awesome to bang some 16 year old from West Virginia in a gas station." - Natalie Zekos
12:56 PM: "Well, we have an adorable little choreographed routine to the Whisper song (Wait Till You See My Dick). And this quote: 'That car fire is the second best smell in Kentucky'."
1:35 PM: "We drove for hours without seeing another car on completely desolate highway. Natalie waited until we were in four lanes of city traffic to try out the cruise control feature."
4:12 PM: ""Natty is trying to get me to choose between these two restaurants: Rippy's and Sweat's. Mmmm."
5:45 PM: "Yeah I think we're staying in Nashville. This place is the best."
6:27 PM: "I think there is a law in Nashville that you will be assassinated if you aren't having the best time ever."
* This is classic Natalese hyperbole. Throwback to Summer 2007 when one of her coworkers called to see if Natalie would mind picking up some of her hours. She hung up and proclaimed:
Natalie: I don't know who this broad thinks she is, calling me about work at 8 PM on a Saturday!
Danielle:'s 6 PM. And it's Tuesday.
**Sidenote: It has been decided that there is no need to see HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU and/or SHOPAHOLIC for the same reason that WWII vets and Holocaust survivors avoid films like SAVING PRIVATE RYAN and SCHINDLER'S LIST. Also because, who cares?