Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The great thing about dreams you wake up from wishing they were real is the part where you get to look back, recap and realize that Dream You actually does have it pretty good sometimes. Let me tell you, Dream Me deserves a break. She gets reoccuringly hunted down by velociraptors in her own home, tortured with giant centipedes in labyrinths... and she always never even questions it. Raptors in the house? Rats. Centipedes? Again? Oh, no. 

Now that I strain to remember my dreams (unfortunately only the strong survive in the dream bank of my memory) the only times I can think of Dream Me ever actually realizing something's a little off is when the nightmare is even remotely reminiscent of my real life, like being forced back into gym class or worse...St. Bernard's High School. Raptors I can deal with, but not St. Bernard's.

I love the that anything can happen in any given dream. I love the suspension of reason and the irrelevance of death and fact.  I love, even for ten minutes or whatever, being in a life that's pretty much the ideal. The dreams that I actually wish were real are few and far between and hooray for that; awesome as they are, they're way too much of a tease to wake up from and that is no way to start the day.

I leave you now with an e-mail that I received from one Michael Selig at Emerson College:

Dear Students,

If you have questions about changing your major/specialization, you should consult with the Advising Center.

Michael Selig, Chair

Well alright. 

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