Tuesday, January 27, 2004


My first official Theatre Arts class seems like a hoot. Kristina, Bill, Shawnna and I share a table with a very motley crew, including two random sophomores that came quite close to believing me when I told them that Natale was born without eyes and in fact had two glass ones as replacements. Enough said. 

The new kids in Televison Production leave a little something to be desired, for the most part. Call me an elitist, because when it comes to TV Production I happen to be one. Whatever. 

Schmitty wasn't in school today. Yes, this was the cause for celebration of all kinds, including dancing and high fiving and maybe even a little bit of song. It's as though he knew how irritating he was yesterday, so he decided that it would be in the best interest of everyone if he just laid low for a day, at home in China... Either that or he knew just what would make Eleanor happiest on her birthday.

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