Monday, October 24, 2005


"Every time I go to the trash room I get scared that a huge, MOTHA RAT is going to crawl out." - Natalie Zekos

Not a mouse. A MOTHA. Rat.

Today we were notified that next Monday our building will undergo rodent/insect inspection.

This is so great. I was so preoccupied with roach prevention that rats never even crossed my mind, except for when we bring the trash into the trash room. Freaking scary. I literally hurl the bags into the room, slam the door, and bolt. In case of the motha rats.

I hope Elliott secretes a special cat smell that scares the hell out of them so that they don't even come close to us. Yeah, our big, threatening, dependent BABY CAT.

My question is, has anyone seen rodents or roaches? Because, blessedly, I have not (knock on serious wood, sweatpants style). I just hope that wherever they are they stay there til Monday, so that I can continue being ALMOST as blissfully ignorant as I was before we got this notice.

I Love the 80's 3D!!

Ahhhhhh good times.

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