Friday, October 28, 2005

Everyone in Hollywood wants an Oscar.

So I have completely exhausted the Titanic Special Edition DVDs by literally watching EVERYTHING they had to offer, INCLUDING secret hidden features, and then re-watching a few selections with director/ cast and crew commentary.

I feel really REALLY great about this.

On a sidenote, I just saw a trailer for that movie that desperately wants to be Jumanji. Zathura I think it's called? It's very upsetting to begin with, but then I noticed that the theme playing in the background of the trailer was none other than the violin theme from Requiem for a Dream. 


My thumbs are a mess.

How can it be almost November already?

Monday, October 24, 2005


"Every time I go to the trash room I get scared that a huge, MOTHA RAT is going to crawl out." - Natalie Zekos

Not a mouse. A MOTHA. Rat.

Today we were notified that next Monday our building will undergo rodent/insect inspection.

This is so great. I was so preoccupied with roach prevention that rats never even crossed my mind, except for when we bring the trash into the trash room. Freaking scary. I literally hurl the bags into the room, slam the door, and bolt. In case of the motha rats.

I hope Elliott secretes a special cat smell that scares the hell out of them so that they don't even come close to us. Yeah, our big, threatening, dependent BABY CAT.

My question is, has anyone seen rodents or roaches? Because, blessedly, I have not (knock on serious wood, sweatpants style). I just hope that wherever they are they stay there til Monday, so that I can continue being ALMOST as blissfully ignorant as I was before we got this notice.

I Love the 80's 3D!!

Ahhhhhh good times.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Sweather Weather.

This was a good afternoon for a pumpkin festival, foliage, strolling and package shooting in the Common, carmel apple cider (which is really just hot apple juice with flavor syrups, but still delicious), bookstores, banking, warm sun and cold breezes, and hoping that there'll be at least a few more days like this one.

Tomorrow is a good night for Cinderella, which is guarenteed to make me wish, once again, that I was a ballerina. Because ballerinas are beautiful.

Now is a good time to take the ol' grocery cart down to Star*Market and fill her up with fancy Dr. Pepper and other necessities, like toilet paper.


I don't know why this is, but I feel more guilty about not taking advantage of gorgeous days here than I do anywhere else.

"It's just like autumn in New York, except it's autumn in BOSTON!"

And I really love it.


P.S. Tonight on the way to fondue, our cabbie informed us that we were riding in the very same car that he picked up none other than LEO AND GISELE in less than a month ago. I have confirmed that Mr. DiCaprio is a genuine class act, who signs autographs for cab drivers' nieces and initiates hand shakes with said cab drivers. I also know for a fact that Leo has soft hands and is basically a class act. 
So...I have shared a cab with Leo. God. I feel so blessed.

Also, the cab driver was pretty bitchin' in general and reminded me of Mr. Lew. He was in several off-broadway plays and an extra in movies, including Jaws, but he's not one of the extras that had a line and gets a check in the mail every time the movie sells a DVD or is on TV. 

I hope he doesn't clean his back seats on a regular basis. That way, there is a chance that maybe a hair or some particles from Leo's pants are now...on MY pants.

I realize that this makes me a freak, but I think I'm okay with it.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Breathe and reboot.

If I didn't have the alternate ending of Titanic and the final installation of Harry Potter to look foward to, I would seriously consider an extreme change in location right now. Possibly an island. Off the coast of Bali. Forever. 

You guys could come visit. I'd be the one sitting alone in the grass hut watching Love Actually.

Where did the extreme few social skills I once had disappear to?

This is going to be an amazing week.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

2,200 Souls.

Three disks, 29 deleted scenes, a Celine Dion music video, director/cast commentary, AND AN ALTERNATE ENDING????

Now THAT is a real party. God.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Fashionably sensitive.

Last night I slept in my sister's bed, because although she still refers to it as "Danielle's room", she's pretty much seized it as her own, marking her territory with a metropolis of plastic Playmobil houses, castles, space stations, and forts.

Anyway. She barely ever slept her bed, even when I was around, which was probably for the best, seeing as when I slept in it last night, I woke up with a terrible itchy rash all over myself. 

And now, twelve hours later, it has become progressively worse. What is it????? Fleas? Bedbugs? Detergent? 

I wonder how anyone learned about their classmates before the Facebook was invented. Yeah, I'm really not so good at this. Maybe I'll get better.

My parents are going to Disney World this weekend. They're funny parents. It's a crying shame they won't get to encounter Natale as a character. I was hoping to have them get his autograph for me.

I purchased several good movies today, INCLUDING The Flight of the Navigator!!! SO EXCITING!

Maybe I should go and stew in oatmeal or something. Doesn't that stop itching? 

Or maybe I should just get drunk and take a Benadryl, says Dr. Liz.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Bet the store!

Ohh God, I'm supposed to be editing a rough draft to turn into a final paper to be handed in at 6:00.

I forgot how much I love downloading music, but I do. I now love A Light in the Piazza and Sutton Foster in Little Women. 

For some reason, Little Women always makes me ferklempt, no matter what. It's coming to Boston sometime this season, and I'd like to go see it, along with Spamalot, which I have also come to enjoy thoroughly, in an Avenue Q sort of way, and obviously Wicked because one can never see that enough.

Adrienne's 13th birthday today, and her party/parties this weekend can only mean one thing: moonwalks. That girl loves freaking moonwalks. Still, she's so much cooler than I was when I was her age.

Natalie's 20th is tomorrow, oh mah gawd. 20 is just ridiculous. CODSWALLOP, for lack of a better word.

Note to Kristina: Mara Wilson goes to NYU for acting, not film. I was mistaken. I looked it up on her offical website, and apparantly there was some SICK RUMOR going around that she had DIED in 2000. Imagine being so under the radar in Hollywood that people think you are dead.

Tonight I get to begin my duties as a continuity superviser for The E.C. And then my week is over until Wednesday.


Saturday, October 1, 2005

Rent rent rent.

I just have to note that today is October 1st.

And our landlord was supposed to come and collect the rent today.

But he didn't.

And I'm kind of devastated, because I was so looking foward to blasting the title track of the Rent soundtrack and dancing around like an angsty bohemian. 

How fun would that be. 

"Tell the folks at home, what you're doing RANDY!" Ahahahaaaha, get it??

Yeah. My fingers are crossed for tomorrow.

It is also pure pure pure conicidence, but I put my Smartwool socks on this morning without even remembering that it was October 1st. I always subconsciously start wearing Smartwool at the beginning of October. Oh, woolly warm goodness.

I bet not everyone gets to share a brain. I'm lucky.

And on that note, I think I'm done here.