Saturday, August 27, 2005

Why is the gingerbread man made of mud?

Today I went to see The Brothers Grimm (Uhh...what?) for $4.75, which was better than The Village but worse than Catwoman. Still, $4.75. I could probably feed a lot of Indians for that price. Poor Matt Damon. It's always sad when such attractive, overly talented, Bostonian Oscar winners make abysmal role choices.

I have an eensy weensy moral problem involving the replacement of my desktop computer with a more mobile laptop. We'll see.

P.S. The RENT theatrical release has been bumped back to the week AFTER HPatGoF, and is now opening Thanksgiving weekend. Natale, if you're out there, come back for a genuine New England Thanksgiving, so that we can go and experience this movie together. You know, the way the Pilgrims would have wanted it.

God, I love The O.C. on DVD. No commercials AND a hilarious gag reel! Joy!

Speaking of gag reels, I now have, in my posession, One Screw Loose: The Anna Anderson Story, circa 2002 World Studies History. Yes, that's right. I will screen it for whoever wants to watch. It's fantastic.

So, I guess I should start know, for the empty apartment I'm about to move into. The one that DOESN'T provide furniture. Riiight. Starting tomorrow. Most importantly, I need to invest in more pairs of work appropriate denim AND prepare myself for working the right brain, hardcore, because friends, that is what Emerson is all about.

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