Monday, May 9, 2005

You fight to hold on, you fight to let go.

I have three days left of freshman year, of UMass in general.

Three days in which to write papers, study for tests, and transform the dorm back into a cinder block cell equipped with high speed internet.

Originally I had big, elaborate, profound realizations here. But I realized that they simply weren't worth it. Whatever. What's important is that I'm basically done and I can almost taste that dirty water. I can't prevent the inevitable now any more than I could have prevented it months ago.

So I'm going to continue writing papers and studying for tests and praying that Samm's back lesions do not lead to...well, I think we both know what skin lesions lead to, don't we? coughspithackpelvicexamssnortwheezelick

Annnnd there is a moth in the room. I will not rest until he has perished.


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