Wednesday, September 1, 2004

I'm going to go read to the cabbages.

My last day babysitting the Spazianis went well. Three years is a long time. I think I grew attatched. It's sad because they're moving to North Carolina and I'll probably never see them again. 

Roomie and I had a great little date. We shopped the dollar menu, enjoyed some McDonalds and Ruby Red, and did ourselves a little project. We now have the most kickass dorm phone you ever did see. It's flourescent pink. With icons. My dad called it a Hot Line.

Kristina, Page, and I went to Moosetracks, got ourselves frozen things and Coffee Cards, and proceeded to have a coffee shop moment. It was beautiful. And it was also the only way to follow an uneasy lecture given on the ride TO Moostracks BY Page about how life as we know it only has about 50 more years before it's all over in a hellish whirlwind of division and divinity.

While driving today, alone in my car, listening to Magic 106.7, A New Day by the great Celine Dion graced the waves. My instant reaction was glancing at the passanger seat, awaiting the ecstaic grin of a certain redhead and then being forced to proceed to sing loudly and Celiney "All By Myself".

I have pictures in frames and thoughts in my head and love in my heart.

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