Sunday, October 19, 2003


Samm and I had an absolute ball at the UMass information session today. Despite the fact that we completely missed the Autumn Event, which began at 9:30 this morning, and since I realized this at 1:30 this morning, it was just too late to change any plans. 

So Samm came over at 11, and we made banana-chocolate-pancake tacos with whipped cream. Sound good?

You have no idea.

So we chased the pancakes with some Tostitos and salsa and headed out for Amherst, Celine Dion-ing it the entire way. As we were singing "It's All Coming Back" and the like over and over, in a Canadian accent of course, we finally reached our destination, and what a destination it was.

We took the campus tour and made our very first friends, Mr. and Miss PDA 2003. Totally Feely McTouchy and Holdy McHoldhands. It was cold, so the Mr. offered his sweatshirt to the Miss, leaving him in an undershirt like article of clothing against the bitter cold winds. First of all, this really bothered me, as the girl's mom was with her, in her 5,000 layers of winterwear, watching her daughter's poor homely boyfriend shelter her shoulders with his only means of warmpth. Whatever. Let me just say that this girl had THE nicest set of gums I have ever seen. Samm and I got a sweet side view of this protrusion, and it was literally GUMS and oh yeah, I think I saw some teeth. Awesome.

Then we got home, and the fun didn't end there. Natale, Katie, Samm, and I all decided to head to Barnes and Noble for a solid hour or so, and then eat great even late at Taco Bell, laughing our a's off at bean coud and lifts and just having a grand grand time. We also went to AJ Wright, and found some supremely large glittery underwear that were on sale for a low, low price of .99 because they were deemed "slightly imperfect". I don't know about you, but that just makes me want to slap on a pair.

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