She sends me wonderful little boxes from home filled with tiny tubes of toothpaste and t-shirts from my high school theater productions and Boston Sunday Globe magazines so I can keep up with Tales from the City and see how my dad successfully completed the crossword puzzle. She also sends me place mats and little statues of saints and nips of Patron. She is very technologically savvy, although she does get a little paranoid about things like my siblings and I having alternate Facebook accounts (separate from the ones she's friends with) on which we are scandalous. She is also famous for her stream-of-consciousness instant messages and e-mails, one of which I received just now:
MOM: hi
ME: hi michu
MOM: i know you don't have a prius, but if you ever feel your car is racing out of control, PUT IT IN NEUTRAL
how's your day, i had to say an "Our Father" to calm me down today. [OMITTED] pissed me off but i felt better after my prayer.

I just love her.